SPA Week 10 Project Brainstorming


Brainstorm your Social Practice Project and develop your project idea. Create a proposal statement covering the 5 W’s. Refer to similar projects and images or notes.


Brainstorming Process, Lists, & Word Associations

My Media : Photography, printmaking, book binding, jewelry making

Things I like to do: travel, sleep, read, garden, make art


So You Want to Make an Art Project in your Town Worksheet from Transformazium

Who am I? I am a woman, student, artist, homeowner, human, agnostic

Who is my town? rural, stubborn, angry, scared, white

Who am I to them? Radical, outsider, troublemaker

At this point I realized this particular exercise was not helping as I was not wanting to work on a project in the town in which I currently live and moved on to word associations.

Travel: place, wanderlust, explorations, new, road trip, mileage, navigate

Read: library, book club, make books, collection, stories, sharing, journal, scrapbook, escape, adventure, exchange

Garden: grow, dirt, unplug, sustain, feed, manual labor, produce, tend, weed, cultivate, flowers, versatile, duality, food

Sleep: rest, unplug, reset, forget, turn off, dream, adventures, escape.

Random ideas list: mirror messages (see twitter post here for somewhat similar idea,but not)

Put listings in the paper and make a work from the pieces sent back.

Garden Books: previously started book binding project with date cards for tracking planting dates, graph paper for laying out garden, packets to save seeds etc.

Journals: leave small journals around with prompts and instructions/ postage to return them to me to record and present the responses


Projects I am already working on:

Before I Die board at Buchanan Art Center

Niche Subject Lending Library, Art

Art Boxes in Artists Alley


Projects I like: (with links)

Before I Die by Chang

Inside Out

Raubdrickerin (although the video shows a guy and the project was launched by a woman.)

Steamroller Print Project

  You can see some of the display boxes, especially on the left, built directly onto the walls of the buildings forming the alley. Some are as small as utility boxes, and some are large wooden boxes, but they are securable and weatherproof. Quebec, Canada. I did not take this photo. The image is linked to the original website.

This shed project is similar to some that I came across in Montreal that allowed vendors, mostly artists and artisans display ware to the tourist or holiday markets and not need to pack up at the end of every day. I did not take this image. Image is linked to original website.

These journals represent the general sizes and thicknesses I am thinking of for the journal project- leaning towards the small originally for ease of mailing, but larger for easier presentation and display.

This project by Tyler School of Art at Temple University dispersed hand made journals around Philadelphia in 2013.

This image is an uploaded page of a sketchbook project library.


No Project Description or proposal just yet.










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