Alten Studio

First thing Monday morning we took the truck into Wolf’s Auto Ford Service Center. While we were waiting for them to be able to look at the truck we went in search of somewhere to eat lunch and see what else was around the area. We ate lunch at a […]
Journey 2015 Day 4
Union City Practicum

Recently while traveling in Colorado I was able to check out some of the placemaking going on in Longmont. The City of Longmont is located just northeast of Boulder and about half an hour north-northwest of Denver. All the various aspects and design elements of downtown Longmont really came together […]
Placemaking – Longmont, Colorado

Project Description Journals will be placed in public areas around Michiana or distributed through an acquaintance network. Journals are incredibly personal tools for self-exploration and expression. While most people hold their diaries close, others choose to share their thoughts with the world through social media or blogs. Blogs and […]
SPA Week 12 Project Final Report
Type & Size of Journal 1) https://www.amazon.com/Kraft-Notebook-Inches-Notebooks-Journals/dp/B06XS9WXWQ/ref=pd_ybh_a_14?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=7GSGFXGT74QK0RV8HSHM 3.5×5.5 kraft brown notebooks. blank pages. 25/ $25.00 + $6.30 shipping 2)https://www.amazon.com/Travel-Journal-Notebook-Journals-Travelers/dp/B0757Y62MR/ref=pd_ybh_a_13?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=7GSGFXGT74QK0RV8HSHM 5.5×8 (a5) kraft brown notebooks. lined pages. 6/ $10.08 + free shipping 3)https://www.amazon.com/NUOLUX-Notebook-Notepads-Journal-Colors/dp/B075685P7L/ref=pd_ybh_a_19?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=7GSGFXGT74QK0RV8HSHM 3.5×5 tropical colors. lined pages. 24/$14.95 + free shipping 4)hand made notebooks 5.5×8 various color colors and styles. […]
SPA Week 11 Project Research

Instruction: Brainstorm your Social Practice Project and develop your project idea. Create a proposal statement covering the 5 W’s. Refer to similar projects and images or notes. Response: Brainstorming Process, Lists, & Word Associations My Media : Photography, printmaking, book binding, jewelry making Things I like to do: travel, sleep, […]
SPA Week 10 Project Brainstorming
Instructions: Talk, listen, and interview other artists. Research the Seer Project (Lee Mingwei) and watch presentation videos from the Creative Capital Retreat. Response: Creative Capital Artist Presentations Sharifa Rhodes-Pitts I liked that she was inhabiting a space relevant to the story she was telling. It really brings home the idea […]
SPA Week 9 Interviews and Presentations

Instruction: Research FOOD, a project from 1972 in SoHo New York then plan, create, and document a meal and share it with someone. Document the process with photos, videos, and sculpture and write about it. Response: I began this project wishing I had gotten this assignment a week earlier. To […]
SPA Week 8 FOOD (1972) Gordon Matta-Clark

Instruction: Untitled (Sun State) is one of Beuys’s blackboard drawings, which were created during his lectures at educational institutions and museums. This drawing evolved during his participation in the public dialogue, “Art into Society, Society into Art” at The Art Institute of Chicago in 1974. Here Beuys demonstrates, with a […]